How to make it healthy???
1. who am I?- I am Specialist(healthy)
2. what is that?- take care of ours body
3. what for?- protect our body
4. 1st task- do what exercise to protect body
5. 2nd task- what kind of food can help us
6. 3rd task- how to arrange it(time)
7. conclusion- effect of the body
8. showcase- gallery
How to "baking"...???
1. who am I?- Baker
2. what is it?- Bread and Cake
3. what for?- satisfy for consumer
4. 1st task- buying material
5. 2nd task- baking
6. 3rd task- let consumer choose flavor and variety
7. conclusion- comment from all consumer
8. showcase- gallery
How to relax...?
1. who am I?- Tourist guide
2. who is them?- traveler
3. what for?- introduce them where is the best place to travel
4. 1st task- viewing for the map and point the place out
5. 2nd task- show all the photo of travel scenic spots
6. 3rd task- set up the package and fees
7. conclusion- how traveler enjoy it?
8. showcase- gallery